Monday, May 11, 2009


I know, i know, it has past for a record timing of 1 hour 22 minutes. Nevertheless, i love my MUMMY A LOT A LOT A LOT<3 The kind of love that is so unexplainable and precious:D I love her all the time, every second, millisecond, every hour and every day:D Although i have to admit, we do get into quarrels and fights, but deep down, the love is just so solid strong:D We talk about everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING:D

Love you Mummy<3

so it was her off day today. Dinner was prepared by my sis and i, although it was simple, but she was happy:D

My gift to her, is to play any of her favourite pieces on the piano. No $$, i can show the effort. Although, some i had to sight-read, but she encouraged me by saying "not too bad". Haha. It's pretty hard to hear that from her (considering i get all the scolding for my exam pieces-they are screwed up).

ok, it's 1.33am, and i got school at 11am, time to visit my bed, goodnight folks:D


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