Thursday, July 09, 2009

I miss Tim. Although he has just left for Germany not more than 24 hours ago. He has been such a awesome big brother. Love his company!Although we have not seen each other for the past 8 years, but the bond we share is still so strong, no sense of awkwardness, or behaving like strangers,much more than some who i see almost everyday, or all the time.

8 years of 0 connections, isn't amazing that we manage to find each other from each end of the world, and still share so much laughter and fun together:)

Although deep down, there will be sadness, but i am definitely happy you have never forgotten us. Visit us more often.

PS.when i am legal, you can bring beer. I will beat you for Jenga!!! I will throw you in the pool!!! (Your room and funta grape will always be here waiting)

Hwee Min, Hwee Xian, Hwee Jia, and Mummy and Daddy:)


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