Sunday, June 28, 2009

This is how my mind feels like now ___________. An absolute blank!
2 weeks and it is hard to imagine how time really flies, but nevertheless, i am getting really jiggly and excited about seeing (some of) my friends in school.

Life is just so oxymoronic,so ironic, so contradicting. Or i should say pretentious. It seems that people are living under masks and society under some kind untold truth. Ever had a good laugh, and then feeling empty. Had a good cry, but not feeling any better? A fight that seems pointless, or a relationship that sees no end? A misunderstanding from foolish thought, or a mission with no purpose.

Maybe this is what life is all about, you got to take a break from the outside whole and think. Stop and think, stop and reflect. I have seen sadness, happiness, seperation, make-ups, breakups and anger. Are those real, or made up to shield/cover up one's own true feeling.

Even though it has been only a mere 10 weeks i have entered NP, i think i have seen quite a lot, sometimes, too much of it. Its getting so complicated that it makes me stress over pointless opinions. Tomorrow going to mark the beginning of yet another 7+ weeks, what else is there expecting me?

I think for now, i just got to submerge myself with my studies, no other thing will be able to distract me. I don't want the same thing to happen again, as what it has before.This time,i am sure of it.


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