Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dear Reggie,

I'm sorry for being such an ass-hole these few days. Throwing stupid tantrums and being really petty. I think i must be suffering from pms these few days, i can't seem to be able to control my own emotions. I get angry at really small issues and i just don't even feel like talking to you sometimes.I even step on you or even pinch you, oh man,i sound so freaking abusive. Really sorry, just bear with me.I know that every time i apologise yet again and again, but the situation just knocks it all back into square one. Give me a week,i will sought things out. You are a really good friend, my class partner and my lab partner. Please don't ignore me, i know that it must be damn frustrating and irritating to be even near me now. I just go huffing away like some stupid bitch. I know i do raise my voice sometimes and totally ignore you even when you ask what happen. I'M REALLY SORRY. I know that this may be some really stupid thing, but that is all i can think of to convey how i really feel.Sorry, pal/brother, i don't want to lose a friend like you.

From your friend,
Hwee Min:D


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