Thursday, May 14, 2009

Today is just really tiring. In fact, i see myself repeating this almost everyday. How sad. There is going to be training tomorrow, hopefully no weights yet:)1030 at the National Museum tomorrow, oh my gosh, having to be there with my rackets and stuff, it's going to be heavy!! I think i will just settle with just one racket, i don't think i would need the other anytime soon(i need to do re-stringing soon!!!), until tournament season,i guess.

The sucky part about tomorrow, is having to return to school after SNM, and if possible, i hope that we will be able to go daiso so as to get everything done within tomorrow.Presentation is next friday!!Nothing is done yet!diediedie. I can't believe that the subject that is giving me the most frustrations is actually C.A.T.S, because it is absolutely unneccessary. Back in secondary school, i had to attend nearly six months of adam khoo, i think that should be sufficient information about how to study, and its skills,blahblah. Unlike Microbio and Physio, its normal and ok that i am frustrated, because i see the ultimate goal at the end of it, but what goal does this stupid cats thing have??!!

Give me a break, i need my rest, i want my bed, don't disturb me

I think i will just sleep early, considering that although its already 11.44pm,it is one of my earliest appointments with my beloved bed:D I think i would have to wake up as usual to get things done:( Too much to do, too little time. I got the followings to complete within 3 days:

[1]2 logbook entries(this is enough to make my mind go bogus!!)
[2]Maths self-tests(previous chapters-revision),Mol+TB
[3]Revision for Microbio+Physio
[4]German worksheets
[5]Piano practice(i need to convince my teacher i do not need a change of song!!)

Saturday night is snatched away, can't attend church and can't do any work. My uncle got burnt while working, hopefully, it isn't that bad,praypraypray.

got to go peeps. Toodles doodles:D


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