Tuesday, December 05, 2006

today just passed as a normal day.
slacking around aimlessly..
i seriously need to start searching for my homework..
it may sound stupid..but i lost it in my ROOM!!
i need the homework to kill time..sigh

tomorrow till friday would be training straight...
[1]training from 8-11
[2]friendly match with nanyang
[3]training from 8-11

hopefully i would have the stamina to sustain for some many days..
oh yah..i was just thinking to myself why i didnt feel any ache/cramps after the pt..strange
i think my muscle is like numb..the nerves have broken down..lol..SERIOUSLY CANT FEEL ANYTHING!!
my dear fren pavi told me that she couldnt climb the stairs/sit on the toliet bowl after pt..when i could actually still jump around/sit on the chair..blahblah.strange..

okay.i think thats all for today.got to go.


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