Wednesday, October 18, 2006


hey all!!!bet you all miss me after 3 days of me not going to school..haha.i announce I DID NOT PON SCHOOL!!let me tell you what i have been up to:

First day:
-went to the polyclinic because i had a serious throat infection and maybe as you know i have a cyst in my right eye, so went to check on it too.had a reference letter to the national eye clinic the next day cause the doctor sayed that the cyst should have a lesser swell, but apparently it did not go down but became bigger, so i had to go to the eye centre to 'extract' it out.

Second day:
-went to the national eye clinic at mount alvernia hospital because for the other national eye clinics such as the national eye hospital and the one at changi general hospital is fully packed with appointments and had to wait for 3 months, and by then i think the swell would have already covered my entire yeah.let me give you the details of that day:

-went for an evaluation check for the eye, mainly to check the pressure of the eye and to check the degree. the checking of pressure was one of a is measure by looking in to a kind of puffer and PUFF!!a puff of unknown air would be blown directly into the eye.when it puff,i kinda didnt expect it and almost fell off the chair.haha.

-went for the usual check here check there.then the doctor said that i had to GO FOR AN OPERATION TO SQUEEZE THE CYST OUT!!!!IMAGINE THAT SQUEEZE!!!!he said that i can dont do the op and the alternative is to wait for it to grow so big that it would one fine day be sensible.of course go for the op la!!!if burst on its own=infection=BIGGER OPERATION!!

-waiting for the operation which means to also wait for the doctor to finish consulting all his other patients.a long waiting period of at least 2 hrs??!!!ok and off i go into the operating theatre...

let me give you a vivid detail of what happened in the operating theatre(its not like what you see in the movies k.just some simple one.)its rather gory so its your choice to read or not to to read.....

[1]went in

[2]had an eye drop to numb my eye a little

[3]the doctor comes in...scary man

[4]had a second eye drop to numb the eye even more...

[5]here comes the scary and gory part!!!the doctor actually had to use a local anaestasia(did i spell it correctly) on my eye to totally numb it...and its actually inserted by an injection.imagine a needle going into the lower lid of your could come to me to see the holy 'hole' was FREAKIN PAIN when the needle when in..i was like screaming the hell out of myself!!!it really hurts like CRAZY!!!at this time my eye was like numb.COMPLETELY NUMB!!

[6]the doctor use a scapel(correct spelling??), flip my eyelid, cut the the gory part...a yellow liquid was like oozing out of it...oh yah.i was wide awake at the time when my eye was operated...yeah so it was very very gross...the doctor told me that he did not expect so much to be in it...and said that it was already quite hard,wanna keep it for christmas..dots..

[7]had a gauze over my eyes and had to press on it...out i went as there was another patient that he had to operate..

[8]went back in again to have the wound cleaned up...whoa.when the gauze was remove.there was SO MUCH/ALOT of BLOOD on it!!!gory man...then just the normal cleaning up of the wound

[9] went out with an eye patch....i dont look good ok..

ok, i know that it is kinda gory but since you have read it.who ask you lor...hmmph.if my spelling is wrong,pls pardon me k.suddenly cant remember the spelling=x...

Third day
-just a medical break for i was just slackin around...

thats all for my 3 days of not-appearing-in-school....its a rather long post,oh yah i also got the eye patch removed after 4 hours on that very day(2nd day) to go for now.see me in school tomorrow!!!=D


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