Saturday, April 18, 2009

loving all the camps and outing.:D <3

I am sure it's going to be a fresh new start in NP. Having known some really cool, whacked out people, it's going to be a hell of fun!! I am having mix feeling about school starting this monday. After a strenous 6 months break, i am not sure if i am ready for yet another turbulous cycle of studying/tutorials/lecture??!! All i hope is that i can be punctual for class( Imagine Pasir Ris to Clementi-Easterner meets the West) and i don't get lost, the school is way too big.They should build monorails-like sentosa-or something so as to ease the flow of communting from this to that or wherever.

2.49am on Saturday morning, it's dark and my parents are currently watching korean dramas which is not that appealing to me. Got to attend some women seminar at the Conrad with my mum later(I Hate it!).

I need to exercise!!Considering i last saw a trackmill in March 2008 and the track, last God-knows-when. No exercise=bad for health, and i am beginning to feel that coming, this is bad.

My wildest fantasy is to kiss a girl-(OMGOSH),i can't believe i actually said that..


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