Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 days in a row, i have spend a total of 12 bucks just on taxi ride from my house to the mrt, which is just less than 3km from my house. Plus the extra charges, its REALLY EXPENSIVE, as compared to the normal $4 per ride:(

I'm just slacking at Block 56 now, waiting for break to end at 2.

Training yesterday was ok:D With exclusion of the PT at the beginning, which is rather typical, everything else was good!:D I have to declare/admit that my volley SUCKS, seriously. Played 2 games,FINALLY, with Germaine/Jeanette and Zaphyr/Cheryl.
That so much for training, nothing really EXCITING to talk about. I NEED TO IMPROVE MY SERVE. argh

Okay,something super funny just happened!I am having stomach cramps from it. Reggie is freaking scared(phobia) with bugs!! You should have seen his face and his reaction, he was like leaning towards me, "screaming"!!HAHAHAHAHA. I can die from laughing. Laughing disease prevails in Ngee Ann. I laugh a lot, in fact, TOOOO much, from lab practical accidents, to my stupid partner , Reggie and clique 154.HAHAHAHA

i need more time, to sleep,to play, to watch TV


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