Saturday, December 09, 2006

posting on the nanyang match on thursday.i know it may seems a little too late to do so, but anyway..

i played the 2nd singles to a girl name louisa tan, we had a dam tough fight.a game of six ended with 2 tie-breaks.a 5-5, then a 6-6(7-point tie break), then 7-9.yeah.she won me.but i did not lose because i did not try to.i TRIED K.her balls were freaking wide/high...ran the hell out of myself.halfway through the match, my mind was already a little giddy due to a lack of glucose.ran to eudora for her 1.5litre of h2o...thanks to that man.after the match, even though it was heart-wrecking...but i just had this real good feeling.a satisfied whole body was sore.i think i have overexerted ankles(both leg) and shoulders(both arm) were very VERY PAIN!!had to apply medication immediately..thank god it has already healed by now=Doverall the match did not end due to the weather...sad=(.anw thats all i am gonna to write.cya=D

pavi, my dear partner...I MISS YOU BIG TIME!!


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