Sunday, May 20, 2007

mmhmm...cut my hair today.its like ABOUT 5 INCHES OFF MY HEAD.AHH!!!but its still tie-able, it looks like a rabbit see it.catch me up in school...okay about cip:

it was great!!even though it was quite last minute work, but it turned out better than expected.i used some wind-blocker kind of cloth, cut, stitch(with twine)-turned out like some black widow who use to live during the victorian era..wen jing was kinda bothered when one of the 'sleeves' slipped, making it looks 'revealing'.super funny!!we even added some interesting patterns on the dress,red+yellow flowers!!one beautiful scarecrow!!wei kee's 'head' turn out super cute and super scary.we were laughing our ass out when we put the entire thing together. it looks like it was staring down at us.with big yellow pupils and a wide sharp grin!!and it was standing at a great height of about 2 metres plus!making it a giant and us the all, it was a great experience, except for the paint that has tainted us..especially wei kee, she looks as if she was splash with dots of paint..from the hair to the shoes!!!haha

okay thats all for today!!cya tomorrow.


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