Tuesday, April 03, 2007

ok..been a super long time since i posted the last time...
so i decided that i am going to do so today..

i am terribly sick..its freakin painful to be sick!!!
i am feeling super lerthagic for the past one and a half day.
i just dont want to do anything..except to just lie on the bed.
just yesterday. my body temperature went sky high to about 39.3 degree celsius and during the night, it went down a little to about 38.9 degree celsius. Just this morning, it was at 38.1 degree celsius.it was still killing me even though it was improving...now it is about 37.5 degree celsius. so its much better. during these times, drinking anything(including swallowing of saliva) was a chore for me, all thanks to a throat infection, whenever i swallow anything, there would be this unbearable pain at the throat area. Not to forget, i was also 'bless' with a headache, my head felt so heavy....for the past one and a half day.it was just drinking lots of water(its wasnt a choice to drink), vomiting and eating medicine(even at 12 midnight)...being sick just kills me!!!!

went to the polyclinic today. it was super crazy. waited for one hour for my number to be called, then another half an hour to see the doctor. i tell you ok. the doctor is freakin gay. he just said 'hi, what can do for you?' then i said ' i got fever, throat infection and pain at the ankle', then he just prescribe to me the medicine and the end. the mc he gave me was also wrong!!!like wth!!why i say he was gay is because his action and voice is so sissy. my mum and i concluded that he may have just graduate from the medical school and have just seen what the world is like..like wth...then when i went to collect my medicine, it was another one hour..i can die from waiting!!!

oh yah.another thing that is super effing is about the school's toliet. after e math, i was on the verge of fainting and i needed the toliet badly...when i went to the toliet, one was washing while the other was lock because it was said to be a dirty toliet...wth...then i went downstairs to the first level, i went to the toliet closest to the canteen, it was also washing, i was already very angry and sickly..ok so i walk to the well area toliet, the left toliet was kinda pack so i went to the right one, then i saw an entire clan of sec2 netball girls...ok so i went to the left one bcos the netball girls are using the toliets to change...then i had to queue for the toliet and 10 mins later, i can finally use the toliet..like wth...just one toliet thing, could take a period of nearly half an hour...WTH!!i think the dirty toliet thing is super lame...like isit really that dirty????when i was in the toliet, i almost couldnt come out...to sick to even stand..

i just found out that my ankle isnt a sprain but an inflammation...like exercising too much without wearing proper footwear...thats what the doctor said..that gayshit!!so i dont think i can apply any 'vigourous' action to my legs..which also means no tennis..NO TENNIS=(..OMGOSH!!!!

ok thats all...got to go back to sleep again...or else it would take forever for my fever to heal...cya' all on thursday.mc for 2 days