Friday, January 26, 2007

today is just a 'no comment' day..

the day just didnt started right.hcl was always the same.with srm shouting all day while me and zhixian just didnt bother about her and just talk with ourselves..then i thought it was break after that.then i realise it was SS..freaking shit la..i wan to sleep real badly!!so i was one-quarter awake..almost doze off..after break it was thomson never come so it was a slack period.but unfortunately i had a really bad stomach the whole period of 40 minutes was spend in the toliet...argh!!after that was a maths..this time i was really super tired.. i almost doze off in front of ms wong..i was sitting in the first no way in hell am i going to allow myself to doze off in front of a teacher...NO WAY!!after that it was break 2...was lying across 2 chairs...cant stand it..i was just too tired!!on my way to lit..there was this announcement:SORRY FOR THE INTERRUPTION, THIS IS MISS GAN, I WANT ALL STUDENT AND STAFF TO GO TO THE MAIN HALL NOW! I REPEAT....whoa those words hold great suspense...everyone taught some terrorist had enter the school or there was a loose while we were settling down..the whole school saw a sec1 standing on the obvious conclusion was..public canning...but as everyone know...girls dont get public canning..then we realise that the girl stood up there because she was talking...lame!!!
then MRS LEE walked in...she was holding this newspaper...then she started talking about something that would tarnish our school her was talking about something that was just plain injustice,unfairness and was totally stupid on that ****'s ****** to report to the *****it was just lame..hey man..go the end the person that would get hurt is not the school but you...people make things smaller..she make it into a big hoo-ha..hmmph

now its just a topic that would be discuss around the whole school...
after school, charlotte,chin,sandy,kit,lishan and me went out of school to buy the *********...all of us were shock on the amount of paper used to spill this whole was practically the main topic...and no censored was made to everything is super open...the whole thing was just so like zhi fa fan me the whole thing was just so shitty...

next 2 weeks for me is just gonna be burnt off..due to the tournament!!
i would be missing:
-8 periods of hcl
-2 sessions of o-level music
-8 periods of english
-2 periods of geog
-4 periods of physics
-and 2 tests have to be drag back by a day...

theres also quite an amount of test/assignments...
1}hcl test
2)ss assignment
3)english oral
4)english narrative
5)e maths test
6)english compre??(not sure)



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