Tuesday, May 26, 2009

heyhey:D School has been great so far.Other than the fact i have tests piling up, and common tests are coming REALLY soon:D Can't wait to get over it and its the HOLIDAYS,H-O-L-I-D-A-YS!!yay!How i crave for it now, unlike in the past, where i really hate the breaks. 2 weeks is within the reasonable range, i still do hate LONG holidays. Its definitely going to be a good time to really rest and get everything organise. Now everything is in a BIG MESS!! My room is in a mess, my planning is in a mess, my schedule is in a mess, my life is in a mess,basically:( I seriously need my social life back, party time?! My social life is basically stagnant now, black and white.Really need to meet up with the peeps soon!! I'm so excited, Ms Ting's & Mr Loh's wedding is coming really really soon. I'm so excited!! I get to see 4B1 again!! Miss them like ALOTALOTALOT:D Miss all the good and bad times we shared, miss the time being together:D Makes me sad saying this...

So far, the 3 tests i have sat for, are ok and some really screwed up.

[1]Physio=just pass;that's what you get for not studying:(
[2]Maths=45/50; i'm super upset, if you have seen my mistake,you will get my point
[3]Microbio=39/??, I'm not really sure about the full score, charmaine edited it.Coming in 3rd, and having this result. I'm not sure if the 12 hours of study has just went down the drain:(

Maths test 2 is tomorrow, hopefully it will turn out well. Just 2 new formulas to memorise, domain and range of function and distance of perpendicular bisector thing-y [Ax+By+C/(Square root: A square + B Square)]. JIAYOUJIAYOU:D

I'm really happy i have a good lab partner and a good friend, Thanks Reggie:D


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