Saturday, September 16, 2006

its friday already.SO FREAKIN FAST!!!
i can still remember every vivid detail that happened on monday.
thinking about it feels so stupid!
long time since i blog.eoys are so FREAKIN near.i can really feel the undescribable unbearable weight(stress) on me!!!
its killin me!AHHHHHHHH!!!

many things happen this week:
[1]wee got my pronounciation germs.when did data(day-ta) become da-ta and explain become exprain..haha

[2]realise that i am a BIG procrastinator.drag everything to the last term to revise and now i got too much(totally overwhelming)stuff to revise and memorise into my will practically explode.

[3]during assembly on monday.i was like 'frantically' looking for wee and iqah in the hall.i look like a complete idiot standing down there with so many people walking past me.then i realise that they were just in front of me and they were practically laughing their ass out.

[4]iqah's feeling for nathan has faded.actually i am not very sure.but the 'sticker' on the table is officially remove by her herself!!

[5]did not have pe for the whole week(the teacher was not even present!)

[6]no training for me till the exams are rackets are confiscated.sad

[7] science lessons this term is so monotonous/boring/slacking time???how can one teacher of only one particular niche teach all 3 sciences.including BIOLOGY!!!its kinda personal and the teacher is not a female!!!

[8]strictly no laughing during english

[9]watched SHE'S THE MAN during d&t

[10]had a freakin nightmare that scare the wits out of me last night...i think i practically did not sleep the whole night.but suprisingly i was not tired today. i was still singing in the car on the way to other words-high and refresh.

as for today.nothing really much happened.discussed some stuff regarding about the year-end party.its gonna be like so exciting if everyone on our invite list comes..whoa!!!
got to perservere...20 days to FREEDOM!!!
as said no pain, NO GAIN!!i rather study now and get desirable grades than to sulk and regret for 2 months during the break!
i also realise that time passes very VERY VERY FAST!!!the starting of a two-period lesson to the end of it seems just like a blinking of an eye.this minute the teacher enters, the next minute she leaves the classroom.thats how i very very scary.i am scared...

revising for bio now.(drawing concept maps..)i think my music playlist has already repeated itself for countless times already...



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