Friday, January 05, 2007

been a long time since i blog..

Finally, school has reopen..yay!
i totally hate the home room thing.i think the only advantages lies with the teachers.running around like shit while the teachers just sit in their respective room 'sipping tea'...okay, just imagine the whole school of about 1400 people carrying their heavy bags running everywhere every 35 minutes..that is stupid, seriously stupid.firstly, i just dont understand why the school does not give us lockers...maybe because they are too home room system also gives us very little opportunity to see our frens...i see iqah like only once in a blue moon...and that also applies to abii,wee,glor,cheryl c, zhi xian etc..sometimes i dont even see them at all..and thats is freaking saddening=(

Maybe they are really poor:(here are some evidence)
-no clocks in every room
-no markers
-no dusters
-no dustbins in school

i think my new class is rather least not as bad as i thought it would be..
ok, i am class comm AGAIN...i dont really like the idea of being one..especially when you are recommended by the teacher..and no votes from the class...being in the most difficult post..the secretery ...sigh..WHAT TO DO!!

i am beginning to hate that irritating.if you can take the respondsibility, then drop it.whats the point of hanging on to it..???its stupid

tomorrow, there will be cca fair..hope it would turn out good..

thats all for now.ciao


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