Monday, January 15, 2007

today was just one super duber long day..ended school like around 530pm!!!
i think from today onwards.i am going to end school at 6pm everyday...thats super saddening and TIRING!!

[1]MONDAY-higher chinese & music
[3]WEDNESDAY-o-level music
[5]FRIDAY-end school at 4+
[6]SATURDAY-a day for me to breathe

JUST KILL ME!!!i only have one day to rest!!!that is so PATHETIC!!
sec 3 is NO honeymoon year.its just super scary to know how time flies.
next year, i'm gonna be sec 4 and there will be o-levels then 2 years later, there would be the a-levels.then, POOF! universities..
anw, i think i would just take one step a a time, slowly and steadily..

Please!!can some good soul just change my maths teacher.
here are the reasons why:

[1]shes freaking soft
[2]her teaching is not clear
[3]she seems unsure about what she is teaching
[4]she does not go step by step.but jumps all over the place.

are the reasons good enough??pls someone just help me!!why must we be re-banded???
another thing would be higher chinese??i want linglaoshi super badly..that teacher that i have now..she got that stupid china accent..cant even hear what she is speaking..and whenever she speaks she always end with that stupid 'hah' what the..
and when is the school gonna give us lockers..for goodness sake.carrying our bag around every 40-120 minutes is crazy..just imagine have chem(practical) at A02-03 then the next period you have to go for add maths which is at F04-03????this is totally insane..
had house meeting this year and as usual the same old things that were repeated for the last two years...blahblah...stupid meetings would cost me quite alot...4 trainings on consecutive weeks would be seriously affected...argh!!

i think thats all for to go for now.


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