Saturday, April 25, 2009


She is KWEK JIAEN.<3<3<3

I love her too much to be put into words. A friend to find in a million years,a partner that some can only dream of.

I am indeed bless to have her as my best friend. We laugh,we cry, we shout, we worry together.I just can't think of any thing we have not walked through together(think straight!). We sleep in class, we eat in class, we use handphone in class, we talk a lot in class, we grumble in class, we break test-tubes during Practical, we dance during Music lesson, we play with dust pans and broom, we laugh at each other, we think of stupid jokes, we talk behind teachers' back, we take alot of pictures together, we shout at the deck of the boat at Pulau Ubin, we destress by singing,we talk to ourselves like some autistic child, we smile when we receive each others' sms, we send birthday greeting to each other first, we think of each other when we see something nice, we eat the same stuff all the time, we share our stuff, we support each other during competitions, we will be there whenever we perform, we help each other when we have a doubt, we talk a lot, we watch our favourite shows together, we play the piano, we are in the same class for all 4 years, we believe in hope, we believe in not letting any chance slip by, we believe in courage,we love the subjects we hate, we study higher chinese together, we get stress together during music composition, we go on low-budget shopping together, we visit temples, we do english,maths,chinese,science,geography,literature,pe,music,social studies, we did PRELIMS together, we endured O-levels for 2 years together,we are frequent visitors of the national library, WE LOVE EACH OTHER<3

I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF HER<3 as long as you live on, there is still hope<3


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